Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Halfway There!

As of yesterday, baby and I are halfway to our big day!  I'm so excited and happy right now, I feel like I'm driving everyone crazy!!  Anyway, in honor of this momentous day, I thought I would just recap what's been happening so far this pregnancy.

April 1st, I took a pregnancy test because I wasn't feeling quite right and I was a day late... and nothing... That was incredibly disappointing, but I think my body was trying to be funny and play an April fool's joke on me, because three days later, I got a positive test!!  I was so excited to see those two lines, I can't even describe it!!!

Finally POSITIVE!!

Fast forward a couple weeks... Morning sickness sets in!  I have to admit that my first trimester was the worst :(  I could smell EVERYTHING and the smell of EVERYTHING made me superly sick!  I couldn't eat anything, and at one point I couldn't even drink much with out feeling soooo sick.  On top of that I was incredibly exhausted.  I felt like I couldn't get out of bed for weeks!  When Karl and I first talked about how many kids we wanted (oh so many years ago!), we decided that five would be good, but it was about this time in my pregnancy when I really wondered if I ever wanted to do this ever again!!

Luckily, that didn't last forever, I've been feeling better and better since about 12 weeks!  Now that I can finally eat again, and have a good chunk of my energy back, and am not too huge, I'm loving being pregnant, and back to thinking five might be ok, haha.  Anyway, I managed to lose six pounds in my first trimester, and I'm just now getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight (yeeeah, I know I don't really look it... but it's true!)

Our first camping trip!!

This trimester has been really good so far (especially in comparison to the last one!!).  I have way more energy, I'm starting to like food again (and have recently developed an unseemly appetite!), and I'm starting to look a little less fat and a little more pregnant!  My only real complaints at this point are that I have heartburn every time I eat (bleh, but not a totally new thing for me), I have to pee constantly, and I get back cramps like crazy (I can't sit for more than a little bit at a time, or else...)!

And for the best pregnancy "symptom" I've had so far, I finally started feeling my baby move!!  It was really funny, last Friday I was playing around on my computer and I REALLY had to pee, but I was too lazy to get up and go, when I suddenly felt a little "blip" on my bladder that almost felt like a spasm.  I wasn't entirely sure if it was baby, but it was definitely different from anything I've ever felt before!  Then, on Monday, we found out that baby is feet down, VERY wiggly, and apparently doesn't like the invasion of space that happens when my bladder is full!!

Speaking of Monday....


We got to see our baby for the first time!!  We found out that we have a very energetic, very acrobatic child (definitely takes after Daddy, Auntie Preah, and Uncle Jojo)!!  Baby was measuring great and looked healthy from everything they could see! Annnnnd.....

She's a GIRL!!!!

Yay for the bum pic!

We are so incredibly happy!  It was the most amazing experience in the world as we got to sit there, hand in hand, and see our little girl (I love calling her that!) moving around in there!  Everything just feels so much more real now.  I know we have a long way to go still, but it's going by so much more quickly than I expected!  I can't wait to meet our little one face to face!

Isn't she cute?  Chilling with her hands behind her head :)

My little alien baby!!!

Here she is curled up with her foot by her mouth, her arms by her head, and looking like an alien!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blue or Pink???

I would just like to say that I'm glad such a monumental decision is completely and totally out of my hands!  Tomorrow, if everything goes according to plan, we will know if Baby Smith will be a boy or a girl!!  I don't know what to think!  People have been asking me for AGES what my mommy intuition has to say about baby's gender... And I've been feeling like the dumbest mom ever, because I have no idea!  The last week or so I've been thinking maybe a girl, but I guess we'll find out!


Friday, July 8, 2011

Pregnancy Brain...

What is pregnancy brain?

Pregnancy brain is the phenomena where an intelligent woman loses her capacity to think while she's pregnant because her baby is sucking out all her brain power (yes, that is the scientific definition).

Let's just say you know have pregnancy brain when you try to spell the word "laughing" with a "ph", then think to yourself, "that's ridiculous" and proceed to try to spell it with an "f"  (yeah, this totally just happened to me, I feel like an idiot.)  

Other symptoms include, but are not limited to: putting dishes and other random objects in the refrigerator, not being able to remember half the words in half the sentences you're trying to speak, and forgetting why you are where you are and what you were supposed to be doing there.  

In conclusion, I cannot be held responsible for my words or actions at this point.

Just for fun ;)