Saturday, August 24, 2013

Squishy Tummy

11 Weeks
All right, I feel like I've complained a lot in my posts so far (first trimester has been rough!) so I thought it was time for something cute. Annnd, by cute I don't mean my 11 week belly picture, but I need to get that out of the way too ;) I actually had intended to do a 10 week pic, for the sake of nice round numbers, but I'm kind of glad we did it this week since I feel like I have a bit more going on in the belly department this week. 

I asked Karl a few days ago, if he didn't know I was pregnant, would he think I was or would he just think I was fat? I probably shouldn't ask questions I don't want answers to, lol... He said if he didn't know, he'd think I was just a little chunky. *sigh* So not quite to the cute pregnant stage yet, still in the chubby stage. I know it's really early to be showing, but I'd much rather skip through the chubby and go right for baby belly ;) I guess I still have about a week and a half before I'm "going public", so waiting a little longer is ok. I just don't like feeling fat!!

Ok, NOW for the cute stuff:

Baby hugs!!
I really didn't have any specific plans for telling Evie about the baby, but it kind of just came out, lol. I also didn't think she'd accept the information as readily as she did (I mean, a baby... in mommy's tummy... weird), but she's super cute about it! There's a picture of me being huge and pregnant with her in our scrapbook that she loves to look at, so forever ago I told her that there was a baby in my tummy in that picture. She was totally fine with that, and so when we talked about there being a baby in my tummy now, she was very excited. 

She likes to run up to me randomly say "look, see, baby tummy!" and I lift up my shirt and she looks at and pokes my "squishy tummy". She likes to say, "Baby in there! Growing, bigger!" Then she gives the baby hugs or pretends to pick up the baby and hold it. She is such a sweetie when she wants to be, haha!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Appointment!

We had our very first prenatal appointment today!

I was a little anxious (but when am I not?)...

This morning I fell asleep and took a short nap, so of course, I had a dream that I got up to go to the bathroom and there was blood and I'd had a miscarriage. TERRIBLE, totally stressed me out for a bit. Darn pregnancy dreams just feel so real! I have a hard time not letting them affect me.

Anyway, I went on with my day and tried not to be freaked out. We dropped Evie off with my parents and Karl and I went off to my appointment! There was actually a lot less paperwork and filling things out than I expected, I guess since they already had most of my info from Evie's pregnancy. Yay!

I went back to the exam room and I was a little disappointed that I didn't see a doppler machine in the room, but I was pretty sure they weren't going to try get a heart beat anyway. However, when the midwife came in, she had this weird little electronic device, and I started to get my hopes up! It actually wasn't a doppler... It was a little hand held ultrasound device, so cool! They definitely didn't have one of those in the office the last time around. After I got all thoroughly and uncomfortably examined, we were able to see the baby!!

It looked a lot like a little jelly bean in there, not much more than a slightly baby shaped blob still, but we did get to see the little flicker of a heartbeat! So amazing and comforting to know there's actually a baby in there AND that it's alive with a heart beat. I wasn't expecting to be able to get an ultrasound until 20 weeks, so this was much better than I could have hoped for! There's really just something so reassuring about being able to see what's going on in there, I'm so grateful we had a chance to see our baby-bean!

Everything apparently looks good so far, and I am finally starting to feel like I'm allowed to be excited!

Monday, August 5, 2013

8 Weeks

We've made it to 8 weeks... Hurray!

Everyone is still alive and in one piece, although I can't say the same for our apartment... Karl's been trying to clean and I've occasionally attempted something, but it's definitely not been enough :/

So... an update: about a week ago I had some cramping and a little bleeding, which was very stressful at the time, but it stopped the same day and hasn't come back since. I'm not super worried about it, but it definitely wasn't fun :(

As far as symptoms go, my nausea has decreased quite a bit, I feel sick if I let my self get hungry (which stinks, because everything sounds utterly disgusting), and my tummy is uncomfortable most of the time, but at least I'm not too nauseous and I haven't thrown up much this time around. I've had a few pretty bad days (sick-wise) but it's actually been tons better than with Evie (though I've been kind of a baby, haha). Having Evie around HAS made it way harder, however... So I'm figuring I'll say it's about even with the last pregnancy, lol. My biggest issue right now is the fatigue; I am SO TIRED. I think I could literally sleep for a month, which is not helpful when you have a toddler. Garg.

In other news, I have my first appointment set up for next Tuesday! Yay! I'll only be about 9 weeks, so I'm afraid they aren't going to be able to find baby's heartbeat, or even try to find it, which makes me sad. I don't want to have to wait another 4 weeks to hear it!! But at least I'll get to get started on my long journey of prenatal visits; maybe I'll actually start to feel like this whole thing is a little more real!

Also, the past several days Evie has been incredibly clingy and has spent about 90% of her waking hours throwing tantrums... about what? Most of the time SHE doesn't even know. I'm pretty sure she's teething, poor baby! The timing is pretty bad though, I don't have the patience or energy to deal with her when she's like this, and she doesn't want daddy... like at all. We finally got her some infant ibuprofen, and she's been SOOO much better. I'm sad we didn't get to the store sooner!

Anyhow, that's how things are going at the moment, still praying that things are going well with baby-bean!

Just for fun ;)