Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First Appointment!

We had our very first prenatal appointment today!

I was a little anxious (but when am I not?)...

This morning I fell asleep and took a short nap, so of course, I had a dream that I got up to go to the bathroom and there was blood and I'd had a miscarriage. TERRIBLE, totally stressed me out for a bit. Darn pregnancy dreams just feel so real! I have a hard time not letting them affect me.

Anyway, I went on with my day and tried not to be freaked out. We dropped Evie off with my parents and Karl and I went off to my appointment! There was actually a lot less paperwork and filling things out than I expected, I guess since they already had most of my info from Evie's pregnancy. Yay!

I went back to the exam room and I was a little disappointed that I didn't see a doppler machine in the room, but I was pretty sure they weren't going to try get a heart beat anyway. However, when the midwife came in, she had this weird little electronic device, and I started to get my hopes up! It actually wasn't a doppler... It was a little hand held ultrasound device, so cool! They definitely didn't have one of those in the office the last time around. After I got all thoroughly and uncomfortably examined, we were able to see the baby!!

It looked a lot like a little jelly bean in there, not much more than a slightly baby shaped blob still, but we did get to see the little flicker of a heartbeat! So amazing and comforting to know there's actually a baby in there AND that it's alive with a heart beat. I wasn't expecting to be able to get an ultrasound until 20 weeks, so this was much better than I could have hoped for! There's really just something so reassuring about being able to see what's going on in there, I'm so grateful we had a chance to see our baby-bean!

Everything apparently looks good so far, and I am finally starting to feel like I'm allowed to be excited!

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