Monday, February 17, 2014

36 Weeks

I can't believe how close to the end we're getting! Back in July it seemed like March would never come... and actually, pretty much this entire pregnancy has seemed eternal, BUT suddenly we're almost done!

So much to do! I haven't even packed a bag yet!

Night before last I started having contractions. I didn't really notice how regular they were, but I ended up taking up a bath at around 10pm to get more comfortable. After that I did some dishes and they started to hurt. Karl and I sat down for a bit to watch the end of Minority Report (it was on TV and I'd had it on while I was cleaning) and we were noticing how funny and lopsided my tummy looks when I had each contraction. Then Karl pointed out that I'd been having them five minutes apart... And he told me I couldn't have the baby that night because he was too tired.

I'm so glad he thinks I have any kind of control over that ;)

They felt a lot like the contractions I had a few hours before labor really got going with Evie, buuuut after keeping me up til after 2:30 with pain, they must've stopped at some point because I did not have the baby, and they haven't been that painful/regular since. I have some hopes that this means we're going to be getting things going in a couple weeks here (we kinda did something similar for a couple weeks with Evie), though I am happy he's going to keep cooking for a bit longer :) Karl did decide that maybe it's time to pack a few things for the hospital and get some stuff ready, lol

Today we had our 36 week appointment (down to weekly visits now!), which meant I got to do the group b strep test (always fun!) and since we were doing that, I had my first "check". According to the student midwife (whom I'm not positive I trust), I am very soft, 70% effaced, but only 1 cm dilated and baby is still pretty high. I guess that means those contractions were doing something anyway, and not bad progress for only 36 weeks.

Things are looking pretty good, but I am still anemic so they're making me take a prescription iron supplement (I refused to pick the last one up...). Also, I'm measuring about 2 weeks behind, and if I'm any farther behind next week we have to go in for another ultrasound to check his growth and fluid levels (every time I think we're finally done!). I've also been told to make sure I do kick counts and if he seems slow at all I've got to get a non-stress test done (another thing I wanted to avoid needing this time around).

I'm sure he's fine, but it does make us a little nervous, since this was one of the things they were worried about originally with all the ultrasounds. I just wish I didn't have to wait 'til next week to find out how things are going!!

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