So... I'm expecting! We just got a positive pregnancy test (and a few since...) on Thursday--happy 4th of July to us!
Baby Smith #2 is going to be joining us St. Patrick's Day (03/17/14)!
far I don't have many 1st trimester symptoms going on; I'm a little
more tired than usual, I have to pee a bit more frequently, and my tummy
has been a little uncomfortable for the last week or so, but other than
that, things are good! I feel a little bit like Marshall on How I Met
Your Mother, when he's waiting for the food poisoning to kick in... Last
time around, the morning sickness, super-human sense of smell thing,
and the crippling fatigue hit me full force around 7 weeks... So I feel
like I've only got a couple more weeks to enjoy life before utter misery
sets in (at least until around 12 weeks, which is when I finally started
feeling better). I guess I have no idea how this one is going to go,
could be worse, could be better... But I'm REALLY hoping for better!!
this pregnancy one thing I'm loving is how incredibly excited and
on-board Karl is. With Evie, it was definitely a mutual decision that it
was time for a baby to join our family, but he still had a lot of
reservations (which is totally understandable). This time though, he
just loves Evie so much and has loved having her as a part of our little
"team" for the last year and a half, so he's much more happy with the
idea of this new baby. Also, I feel like he's a lot more understanding
and it's more real to him now that we've gone through this process once
already. Last time around he was really great by the end, but I think
the first couple of months are so surreal (for mommy too, but especially
for dad) that it's easy for daddies to be a little disconnected for
awhile. I feel like he's a lot more conscious of the whole thing from
the very beginning this time.
feel like I'm definitely in a different place too with this baby. Last
time I really wanted a baby, but I really couldn't fathom adding another
person to our comfortable little couple. This time I do still have my
brief thoughts in the back of my mind about how it will be to add
another person to our perfect little trio, but at the same time, I know
full well that we can do it. I know it will take adjustments, but it's
one of those things you just "do", it kind of just happens over time and
it doesn't need to be a huge deal. Even though I'm sure there will be a
lot of hard moments to work through, I am just so happy for this baby. I
feel like Evie will be a fantastic big sister and we are all just so
ready to welcome this new little person into our lives!
Wish us luck! I'm praying for a happy and healthy next 8.5 months!
Bah! Whyyy you noes tell me on the 4th!
ReplyDeleteWell I didn't see you on the 4th because you fell asleep, remember ;) We weren't sure if it was going to last, so we weren't wanting to tell anybody yet.